Holistic Healing

All the bodywork that is offered by Jasper has a Holistic healing approach. Pleasure during and after the session is very welcome but the focus of the session is on healing. The Bodywork that Sacred Fire is offering is aiming to remove blockages and let the energy flow. The Sacred Fire bodywork is connecting your body, mind and soul. Bringing a balance in the Heart between instincts, emotions, ego, mind and spirit. 

The receiver of the bodywork is seen as a being consisting of different layers or bodies, each with their own energy flavor. Together the layers or bodies equally contribute to form the whole being. When the being is in health there is a natural flow of energy throughout the layers or bodies, without blockages or resistance. When the flow is stagnated, this natural flow is interrupted as energy accumulates and stagnation of energy occurs.

Bodywork can be very relaxing and pleasurable, but it also has the potential to liberate you from (hidden) traumas and blockages. To guide these possible liberation of trauma it is important that we have a talk beforehand. About what is your intention with the session. To come to a consensus on what we will do, and what we will NOT do, in the session. The consent that you give me during the take-in can not be broadened during the massage, not even if you ask me. The consent can only be withdrawn, and at any time you can stop the session.

Good agreements and consent is important in bodywork to avoid re-traumatisation. And…It also gives you the freedom to express anything that comes up during the session, since the boundaries are set beforehand.

The bodywork comes in the forms of a healing or a massage. The massages are healings where the touch is used to relax the physical body and open the other bodies of your being. Be aware that the bodywork is not a wellness massage. The focus is on bringing you to wellness, not keeping you in wellness.

The bodywork Sacred Fire is offering are:

  • Sacred Fire Healing
  • Sacred Fire Massage
  • Sacred Fire Tantric Massage
  • Prostatic Portal Massage

Sacred Fire Healing

In the Sacred Fire Healing you stay dressed; your body is touched over your clothes. The energetic body is opened with acupressure and the energetic, astral and spiritual bodies are central in the healing. The Sacred Fire Healing is in a sacred and holistic setting; combining rituals, breath work, movement, de-armouring, chakra/aura clearing, acupressure, shamanistic healing/extraction and goddess channeling.

Duration 1,5 hour Price € 135,- 1.080 DKK

For more information click the link.

Sacred Fire Massage

The Sacred Fire Massage is a healing where physical touch is used to relax the physical body and open the other bodies of your being. In the Sacred Fire Massage the massaging and the movement of your body are used to enhance the flow in your body and to access the energetic, astral, mental and spiritual bodies of your being and work on those levels with chakra/aura clearing, acupressure, de-armouring, shamanistic healing/extraction and goddess channeling. In the Sacred Fire massage you are naked, but your genitals stay covered by a sarong. In the Sacred Fire massage we will be working with your Life-force energy, breathwork is used intensively 

Duration 2 hour Price € 180,- 1.350 DKK

For more information click the link.

Sacred Fire Tantric Massage

The Sacred Fire Tantric Massage is the most intimate and most powerful Sacred Fire is offering, where genital massage is a central part in the massage. In the session we are working with your Life-force energy, Breathwork is used intensively.

The tantric massages are very powerful because of the use of the life-force (sexual) energy in the massage. It can generate sexual pleasure, expansion of energy and perceived spaces and can unlock portals to other dimensions of your being.

Sexual pleasure is a very nice experience but the goal of the sessions is healing. So the life-force energy will always always be spread throughout the body, guided to specific areas of the body for de-armoring or used to reach Altered States of Consciousness. Ejaculations are avoided, unless it is for healing purposes.

Internal massage is an option when it is agreed upon beforehand, but never in a first session.

Duration 2 hour Price € 216,- 1.620 DKK

The Sacred Fire Tantric Massage is an advanced bodywork session. If you know, or suspect, sexual trauma I advise you to start with a different massage. For more information click the link.

Prostatic Portal Massage

Prostatic Portal Massage is focused around the prostate. The male organ of Life. The whole body will be massaged to connect to the whole body and to be able to spread the energies. Your sexual energy is invited, aroused and moved through the body during the massage. The Prostatic Portal massage session is a very powerful experience. The massage has the potential to let you experience a full body orgasm and potentially liberate you from (hidden) traumas and blockages.

The liberation can both feel pleasurable but also very vulnerable. The physical body will be stimulated with touch. The energetic body will be stimulated with breathwork during the session. You will be guided into the breathwork before and during the massage. The breathing technique is very easy to learn and I will always guide you when needed.

The genital region is central in the massage and to reach the prostate I will go internal into your anus with 1 finger of a gloved hand. We will use a special breathwork to make the penetration as painless as possible. the prosess will be talked trough in the take -in and we wil practice the breathwork before the start of the sesion.

Duration 2 hour Price € 216,- 1.620 DKK

The Prostatic Portal Massage is an advanced bodywork session. If you know, or suspect, sexual trauma I advise you to start with the Sacred Fire Tantric massage. For more information click the link.


Sacred Fire Healing1,5 hour€ 135,-1.080 DKK
Sacred Fire Massage2 hour € 180,-1.350 DKK
Sacred Fire Tantric Massage2 hour€ 216,-1.620 DKK
Prostatic Portal Massage2 hour€ 216,-1.620 DKK

Healings and massages are not just physical experiences; it also promotes healing on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. Take it easy after the massage. Feel what the session has brought you and let it sink. It may be that the session brings you relaxation, but it is also possible that things come loose and that something is set in motion. If necessary, I am available for aftercare.